Starships and sea shanties combine in this high-flying sci fi adventure. Corellion is an original feature-length Audio Drama that tells the story of Brody, a seemingly ordinary orphan boy with a past that is nothing short of extraordinary. It’s a story of rebellion, heart, and discovering what it truly takes to achieve one’s destiny.
Thursday May 26, 2022
Thursday May 26, 2022
Starships and sea shanties combine in this high-flying sci fi adventure. Corellion tells the story of Brody, a seemingly ordinary orphan boy with a past that is nothing short of extraordinary.
Raconteur Studios presents:
Written by Matt Surges
Produced by Thomas Vieljeux
Original Music by Nick Marsella
Brody - Aria Shahghasemi
Sariah - Samantha Herrera
Del - Matt Surges
President Elio Jayne - Alberto Bonilla
Adria Solaris - Crystal Lee
The Overseer - Abigail Elmore
The Hydra - Matenin Sangare
Thomas O'Kane - Daniel Lear
Leon Corellion - Nayib Felix
Jarin Korliss - Oliver Smith
Torvin Blix - Julian Rissetto
Young Brody - Leon Kokorev Herrera
Cutter/Addtl. Voices - Ethan McGuire
Soloist/Orly/Addtl. Voices - Rachel Rhea Shannon
News Anchor/Soloist/Addtl. Voices - Andreas Schmidt
Soloist - Brandon Dyer
Bouncer - Brock Dyer
Coalition Officer - Joshua Jusino
Thursday May 26, 2022
Thursday May 26, 2022
Starships and sea shanties combine in this high-flying sci fi adventure. Corellion tells the story of Brody, a seemingly ordinary orphan boy with a past that is nothing short of extraordinary.
Raconteur Studios presents:
Written by Matt Surges
Produced by Thomas Vieljeux
Original Music by Nick Marsella
Brody - Aria Shahghasemi
Sariah - Samantha Herrera
Del - Matt Surges
President Elio Jayne - Alberto Bonilla
Adria Solaris - Crystal Lee
The Overseer - Abigail Elmore
The Hydra - Matenin Sangare
Thomas O'Kane - Daniel Lear
Leon Corellion - Nayib Felix
Jarin Korliss - Oliver Smith
Torvin Blix - Julian Rissetto
Young Brody - Leon Kokorev Herrera
Cutter/Addtl. Voices - Ethan McGuire
Soloist/Orly/Addtl. Voices - Rachel Rhea Shannon
News Anchor/Soloist/Addtl. Voices - Andreas Schmidt
Soloist - Brandon Dyer
Bouncer - Brock Dyer
Coalition Officer - Joshua Jusino
Thursday May 26, 2022
Thursday May 26, 2022
Starships and sea shanties combine in this high-flying sci fi adventure. Corellion tells the story of Brody, a seemingly ordinary orphan boy with a past that is nothing short of extraordinary.
Raconteur Studios presents:
Written by Matt Surges
Produced by Thomas Vieljeux
Original Music by Nick Marsella
Brody - Aria Shahghasemi
Sariah - Samantha Herrera
Del - Matt Surges
President Elio Jayne - Alberto Bonilla
Adria Solaris - Crystal Lee
The Overseer - Abigail Elmore
The Hydra - Matenin Sangare
Thomas O'Kane - Daniel Lear
Leon Corellion - Nayib Felix
Jarin Korliss - Oliver Smith
Torvin Blix - Julian Rissetto
Young Brody - Leon Kokorev Herrera
Cutter/Addtl. Voices - Ethan McGuire
Soloist/Orly/Addtl. Voices - Rachel Rhea Shannon
News Anchor/Soloist/Addtl. Voices - Andreas Schmidt
Soloist - Brandon Dyer
Bouncer - Brock Dyer
Coalition Officer - Joshua Jusino
Thursday May 26, 2022
Thursday May 26, 2022
Starships and sea shanties combine in this high-flying sci fi adventure. Corellion tells the story of Brody, a seemingly ordinary orphan boy with a past that is nothing short of extraordinary.
Raconteur Studios presents:
Written by Matt Surges
Produced by Thomas Vieljeux
Original Music by Nick Marsella
Brody - Aria Shahghasemi
Sariah - Samantha Herrera
Del - Matt Surges
President Elio Jayne - Alberto Bonilla
Adria Solaris - Crystal Lee
The Overseer - Abigail Elmore
The Hydra - Matenin Sangare
Thomas O'Kane - Daniel Lear
Leon Corellion - Nayib Felix
Jarin Korliss - Oliver Smith
Torvin Blix - Julian Rissetto
Young Brody - Leon Kokorev Herrera
Cutter/Addtl. Voices - Ethan McGuire
Soloist/Orly/Addtl. Voices - Rachel Rhea Shannon
News Anchor/Soloist/Addtl. Voices - Andreas Schmidt
Soloist - Brandon Dyer
Bouncer - Brock Dyer
Coalition Officer - Joshua Jusino
The Plot
Brody came to the planet of Ixion a starving orphan boy. The peaceful planet - once populated by humble shipbuilders and fisherman - had suffered the same fate as nearly all of the galaxy: It had been conquered by the mighty Coalition, an evil power-hungry organization led by an equally evil (and charming) President.
Brody quickly found a father in Jarin Korliss, a salty sailor with a big heart, who raised him and taught him how to survive under harsh Coalition control. As Brody grew, he would often hear the people speak in revered whispers of the legendary hero Leon Corellion, a man who rose up against the Coalition many years ago, but was ultimately tragically defeated.
Now, with a new revolution beginning to brew, Brody must decide if he will continue to live out his life in resigned anonymity, or if he will listen to a call deep within himself to rise up, face his destiny, and fight for the freedom of the galaxy.